How To Build an Enterprise Talent Acquisition Strategy

Learn how to effectively source, attract, and retain top talent with our in depth enterprise talent acquisition strategy deep dive.

Oz Rashid
Mar 10, 2023
# mins
How To Build an Enterprise Talent Acquisition Strategy

How To Build an Enterprise Talent Acquisition Strategy

Learn how to effectively source, attract, and retain top talent with our in depth enterprise talent acquisition strategy deep dive.

How To Build an Enterprise Talent Acquisition Strategy

Learn how to effectively source, attract, and retain top talent with our in depth enterprise talent acquisition strategy deep dive.

Talent acquisition is a crucial component of any business. It involves identifying, attracting, and hiring the top candidates to join the organization. 

This process is essential to the overall success of the company, as the right employees can drive growth and innovation, while the wrong hires can hinder progress and lead to costly mistakes. The talent acquisition process is made up of several key steps, including sourcing candidates, screening, and interviewing, and making the final hiring decision. 

Each of these steps is important, but together they form the foundation for building a strong, effective workforce. With so much riding on the success of the talent acquisition process, it is vital to get it right. This means not only finding the best candidates, but also ensuring that they are a good fit for the company culture and values, and that they have the skills and experience needed to excel in their roles. 

Ultimately, the goal of talent acquisition is to build a team of highly skilled individuals who will drive the success of the organization for years to come. However, in today's competitive job market, it can be challenging for organizations to attract and retain top talent. This is where an enterprise talent acquisition strategy comes in. 

A well-planned and executed talent acquisition strategy can help organizations identify the right talent for the right roles, at the right time, and at the right cost. In this article, we will explore the key components of an enterprise talent acquisition strategy and provide practical tips on how to build one that aligns with overall business objectives. 

As a large enterprise looking to revamp your talent acquisition process, we aim to provide valuable insights on how to create a talent acquisition strategy that works for your organization and unlock the secrets of sourcing, attracting, and retaining top talent through our comprehensive enterprise talent acquisition strategy. 

What Is Enterprise Talent Acquisition? 

Enterprise talent acquisition refers to the process of identifying, recruiting, and hiring top talent for an organization on a large scale. This process includes activities such as job posting, sourcing candidates, conducting interviews, and making job offers. The goal of enterprise talent acquisition is to attract and hire the best candidates for open positions within the organization and to build a strong talent pipeline for future hiring needs. 

Why It's So Important To Get Right For Larger Organizations

Enterprise talent acquisition is critical for the success of any organization. Attracting and hiring top talent can lead to improved productivity, increased innovation, and a competitive edge in the marketplace. On the other hand, if talent acquisition is not done effectively, it can lead to high turnover, low productivity, and a lack of skilled workers. It's important to get enterprise talent acquisition right in order to build a strong, high-performing workforce that can drive the company's growth and success. 

How To Build A Winning Enterprise Talent Acquisition Strategy In 2024

Building a winning enterprise talent acquisition strategy requires a lot more than hiring a few people from a job board. Talent acquisition goes beyond simply hiring when you need it most. True TA starts way before your hiring needs arise and the best strategies utilize a comprehensive approach that includes the following elements:

1. Define Your Company's Talent Needs 

The first step in building an effective talent acquisition strategy is to define your company's talent needs. This includes identifying the specific roles and skill sets that are most critical to your company's success. This will help you focus your recruitment efforts on the most important positions, and ensure that you are recruiting the right candidates for the right roles. 

To define your company's talent needs, start by conducting a thorough analysis of your organization. Consider factors such as your company's current and future business goals, workforce demographics, and the skills and experience of your current employees. This analysis will help you identify gaps in your workforce and areas where you need to recruit new talent. 

2. Understand Your Target Audience 

Once you have identified your company's talent needs, the next step is to understand your target audience. This includes getting to know the types of candidates you want to attract, including their skills, experience, and career goals. Understanding your target audience will help you create messaging and branding that resonates with them, and will increase the chances that they will apply for a job with your company. To understand your target audience, start by researching the job market and the types of candidates that are in high demand. Consider factors such as industry trends, salary ranges, and the skills and qualifications that are most sought-after by employers. Additionally, you can conduct surveys or focus groups with current and potential candidates to gain a deeper understanding of their needs and preferences. 

3. Develop a Strong Employer Brand 

Your employer brand is the reputation and perception of your company as a place to work. A strong employer brand can help attract top talent and reduce turnover. A company with a strong employer brand is perceived as a desirable place to work, and candidates are more likely to apply for a job with the company. 

To develop a strong employer brand, start by identifying your company's unique selling points as an employer. Consider factors such as your company's mission and values, culture, and employee benefits. These elements can be used to create messaging and branding that highlights the unique aspects of your company as an employer. Additionally, it's important to have a presence on social media platforms, and make sure you have a company website, where you can post the company's culture, benefits, and recruitment process in a transparent and engaging way. 

4. Utilize a Variety of Recruitment Channels 

There are many ways to reach potential candidates, including job boards, social media, employee referrals, and trusted talent acquisition firms. Using a mix of channels can help you reach the widest possible audience and increase the chances of attracting top talent. When selecting recruitment channels, consider factors such as the types of roles you are recruiting for, your target audience, and the cost and effectiveness of each channel. For example, social media platforms may be more effective for recruiting younger candidates, while job boards may be more effective for recruiting more experienced candidates. 

5. Create a Positive Candidate Experience 

Building a successful talent acquisition strategy is not only about identifying the right talent but also about creating a positive candidate experience. By incorporating elements such as respectful treatment, timely feedback, personalization, and transparency, organizations can develop a strategy that prioritizes candidate satisfaction. Implementing clear communication channels, setting realistic expectations, and providing regular updates throughout the recruitment process demonstrate a commitment to candidates' needs. Actively seeking and valuing their feedback allows for continuous improvement and ensures a candidate-centric approach.

For example, in the context of healthcare role hiring, this could be updating candidates through text message while they are traveling or accomodating their need to interview during non standard business hours.

A well-executed talent acquisition strategy not only attracts top talent but also fosters their long-term engagement and retention. By nurturing positive candidate experiences, organizations establish themselves as employers of choice, enhancing their reputation and ultimately gaining a competitive edge. Prioritizing the candidate journey within the talent acquisition strategy creates a seamless and satisfying experience, resulting in higher acceptance rates and a reduced likelihood of candidates pursuing alternative opportunities.

6. Utilize Succession Planning For Your Enterprise Talent Acquisition Strategy

Succession planning can help ensure that there is a pipeline of talent ready to take on key roles within the organization. This can be achieved by identifying potential successors for key positions, providing development opportunities for high-potential employees, and creating a retention strategy to keep top talent within the organization. 

7. Hire For The Win

To build a winning enterprise talent acquisition strategy, it's important to focus on hiring the right candidates, not just any candidates. This can be achieved by clearly defining the skills and qualifications needed for each open position, conducting thorough and effective interviews, and conducting reference and background checks on candidates. 

8. Make Room For Freelancers For Your Enterprise Talent Management Strategies

Freelancers can provide a flexible and cost-effective solution for filling short-term or specific skill-based needs. Incorporating freelancers into your enterprise talent management strategy can help you fill specific skill gaps and provide a cost-effective solution for short-term projects. 

9. Employ Novel Recruiting Sources

To stay competitive in today's job market, it's important to explore novel recruiting sources, such as social media, employee referrals, and job fairs. By diversifying your recruiting sources, you can reach a wider pool of potential candidates and find top talent that may not be found through traditional recruiting methods. 

10. Leverage Hiring Technology 

Technology can play a critical role in talent acquisition by streamlining the recruitment process, providing a better candidate experience, and helping to identify top candidates. Leveraging technology such as our proprietary hiring experience platform Aeon, applicant tracking systems, video interviewing platforms, and online assessments can help you attract and hire top talent more efficiently. 

11. Engage Your Talent 

Once you have hired the right talent, it's important to engage and retain them. This can be achieved by providing development opportunities, creating a positive work environment, and promoting a culture of open communication and collaboration. By engaging your talent, you can ensure that they are motivated, productive, and committed to the organization's success. 

Talent Acquisition FAQs: 

What Is The Difference Between Talent Acquisition And Talent Management?

Talent acquisition and talent management are two distinct but related processes that are critical for any organization looking to attract and retain top talent. Talent acquisition refers to the process of identifying, recruiting, and hiring new employees for an organization. This process includes activities such as job posting, sourcing candidates, conducting interviews, and making job offers. The goal of talent acquisition is to attract and hire the best candidates for open positions within the organization.

Talent management refers to the process of developing and retaining current employees within the organization. This process includes activities such as employee development, performance management, succession planning, and retention strategies. The goal of talent management is to help employees grow and develop within the organization, and to retain top talent over the long term. Talent acquisition is focused on bringing new people into the organization, while Talent management is focused on developing and retaining current employees. Both are important in order to have a healthy, productive and engaged workforce that can drive the company's growth and success. 

What Is The Difference Between Recruiting And Talent Acquisition?

Recruiting refers to the specific activities and tactics used to attract and identify potential candidates for open positions within an organization. Talent acquisition, on the other hand, is a broader term that encompasses recruiting, as well as other activities such as developing an employer brand, creating a positive candidate experience, and building a talent pipeline for future hiring needs. Talent acquisition is a more comprehensive approach to attracting and hiring top talent and it's often seen as a strategic function for organizations. 

Why Does Talent Acquisition Take So Long?

Talent acquisition can take a long time due to a variety of reasons such as lack of clear job requirements, limited talent pool, long interview process, difficulty in filling specific roles, lack of automation and technology, limited budget, lack of candidate experience and lack of a consistent recruitment process. Some organizations may have to cast a wider net to find potential candidates, review more resumes and spend more time on the interview process.

Additionally, certain roles may be harder to fill due to a limited pool of candidates with the specific skills and experience required. Furthermore, organizations that don't use technology to automate certain aspects of the recruitment process and have limited budget may also take longer to complete the hiring process. The lack of a consistent recruitment process also can prolong the recruitment process. 

What Kpis Should Enterprises Use For Talent Acquisition?

Recruiting processes are often designed to weed out the weak rather than to attract the strong.

This is why we have been obsessed with data on how we can better approach TA, including the most effective key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure success.

Some of the most important KPIs include: 

1. Time to fill: This KPI measures the amount of time it takes to fill an open position. A lower time to fill indicates that the recruitment process is efficient and that top candidates are being identified and hired quickly. 

2. Cost per hire: This KPI measures the cost of recruiting and hiring a new employee, including expenses such as advertising, recruitment agency fees, and onboarding costs. A lower cost per hire indicates that the recruitment process is cost-effective. 

3. Applicant to hire ratio: This KPI measures the number of applicants for a position compared to the number of hires. A higher ratio indicates that more candidates are being screened and interviewed, which can lead to a higher-quality hire. 

4. Quality of hire: This KPI measures the quality of new hires in terms of their skills, experience, and fit with the organization. This can be evaluated through employee surveys, performance evaluations, and retention rates. 5. Retention rate: This KPI measures the percentage of new hires who remain with the organization for a certain period of time. A higher retention rate indicates that the organization is effectively hiring and retaining top talent. 

6. Employee Referral rate: Employee referrals are often considered one of the most cost-effective and efficient ways to find new candidates. It's important to track the percentage of hires that come from employee referrals, as it can be a good indicator of employee engagement, and satisfaction.

Big Takeaway

Having the right people in your organization is critical to any business's success, and an effective enterprise talent acquisition strategy can help organizations identify, attract, and retain top talent. To learn more about how to build a system that aligns with your business objectives and unlock the secrets of sourcing, attracting, and retaining top talent, learn more about our talent solutions or get in touch. We'd love to hear from you.

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