Podcast: Deanna Meador — CEO, Inventor and Entrepreneur Extraordinaire

With me [your host Oz Rashid] on this episode I am joined by Deanna Meador, CEO at Couture Technologies — virtual try-on technology — and Director of Entrepreneurship at Vanderbilt University — a private research university in Nashville — to speak about her dual roles and involvement with hundreds of hires.

Oz Rashid
Feb 15, 2023
# mins
Podcast: Deanna Meador — CEO, Inventor and Entrepreneur Extraordinaire

Podcast: Deanna Meador — CEO, Inventor and Entrepreneur Extraordinaire

With me [your host Oz Rashid] on this episode I am joined by Deanna Meador, CEO at Couture Technologies — virtual try-on technology — and Director of Entrepreneurship at Vanderbilt University — a private research university in Nashville — to speak about her dual roles and involvement with hundreds of hires.

Podcast: Deanna Meador — CEO, Inventor and Entrepreneur Extraordinaire

With me [your host Oz Rashid] on this episode I am joined by Deanna Meador, CEO at Couture Technologies — virtual try-on technology — and Director of Entrepreneurship at Vanderbilt University — a private research university in Nashville — to speak about her dual roles and involvement with hundreds of hires.

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