Podcast: Amos Schwartzfarb — Accelerating Tech Startups, the Reality of Building a Business, and Unspoken Candidate Characteristics

With me (your host Oz Rashid) on this episode is Amos Schwartzfarb, Managing Director at Techstars — a mentorship-driven capital accelerator — to discuss entrepreneurship, investing and, of course, hiring.

Oz Rashid
Mar 22, 2023
# mins
Podcast: Amos Schwartzfarb — Accelerating Tech Startups, the Reality of Building a Business, and Unspoken Candidate Characteristics

Podcast: Amos Schwartzfarb — Accelerating Tech Startups, the Reality of Building a Business, and Unspoken Candidate Characteristics

With me (your host Oz Rashid) on this episode is Amos Schwartzfarb, Managing Director at Techstars — a mentorship-driven capital accelerator — to discuss entrepreneurship, investing and, of course, hiring.

Podcast: Amos Schwartzfarb — Accelerating Tech Startups, the Reality of Building a Business, and Unspoken Candidate Characteristics

With me (your host Oz Rashid) on this episode is Amos Schwartzfarb, Managing Director at Techstars — a mentorship-driven capital accelerator — to discuss entrepreneurship, investing and, of course, hiring.

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Podcast: Steve Nudelberg — Strategies to Stay “On The Ball” with Sales Hiring

With me [your host Oz Rashid] on this episode, I am joined by Steve Nudelberg, Principal Thinker at On the Ball Ventures — a coaching company that helps entrepreneurs and businesses to grow — to share strategies to stay “On The Ball” with sales hiring.

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